Monday, 26 July 2010

It's been a while

Oh dear, it's been a long time since I last logged in however that means it's been good for me as I've been working long hours shooting portfolios for several new models and editing the photographs. I'll upload some of the photos from the last few shoots over the coming days for your enjoyment!

Shoot number one: Rachael

Rachael 1

This was my favourite photo from the shoot because I love the bleached hair and the slightly moody look. We shot these in full sun on an old RAF base and it was very, very hot. The dragonflies were out in full force as well, which kept me entertained during outfit changes.

Rachael 2

Most of the shots we did were in more of a portrait style however this was one of the few fashion-style images. The location was fabulous, with smears of paint all over the walls and it was totally overgrown. The object that Rachael is holding on to is actually a window frame that had been knocked out.

Rachael 3

Poor Rachael had to put up with looking straight into the sun for this picture and although her eyes are closed because of this, I like the sultry, mysterious look that this gives. She has a fabulous look in any case so it was fairly easy to create beautiful photos of her.

Rachael 4

This photograph is a perfect illustration of just how flattering the light underneath a tree can be. I had to work with a tripod, a slow shutter speed and Rachael had to keep very still in order to capture it but it was worth it. We also had to wait for the light to return from behind a cloud in order to create the interesting slash of light across her face.

Rachael 4

I couldn't resist adding this shot at the end because I think Rachael's eyes are quite haunting - perhaps because she was worried about the cobwebs behind her head! We shot this from the side of the building that was in the shade so we had some beautiful light to work with and I love the slightly rusty gate and broken concrete.

I hope you've enjoyed these photographs and I'll be adding some of the shots from my other shoots over the next few days. In the meantime, if you've loved these photographs, why not book me to come and shoot you? Whether you're an aspiring model looking to build a portfolio, want a portrait for fun or a special occasion or you want to surprise your other half with a sexy Boudoir album, go to my contact page and get in touch.

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